Chad Creveling, CFA and Peggy Creveling, CFA |
By Chad Creveling, CFA, & Peggy Creveling, CFA | To help Americans living overseas with filing their 2021 U.S. taxes, here is an updated checklist of some of the various tax forms that may be needed.
Chad Creveling, CFA and Peggy Creveling, CFA |
You have to take more risk to get a higher return on your investment, or so the saying goes. The saying has its roots in the basic principles of modern portfolio theory and refers to the idea that investors should be willing to accept more short-term market volatility (risk) in order to receive a chance at a higher long-term investment return. Conversely, investors should accept lower long-term expected returns on their investments if they’re not...
Chad Creveling, CFA and Peggy Creveling, CFA |
By Peggy Creveling, CFA, and Chad Creveling, CFA Regular portfolio reviews are critical to investment success, especially after big moves in the equity, fixed income, and currency markets that can occur from time to time. Unfortunately, many expats never get around to reviewing their portfolios or if they do, don’t approach the process in an organized way that will get results over time. This is not about trying to time the markets or picking the...
Chad Creveling, CFA and Peggy Creveling, CFA |
By Chad Creveling, CFA and Peggy Creveling, CFA We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. - Anonymous saying The above often-repeated saying can be applied to many areas of life. When it comes to investing, we frequently see people overestimate what they can achieve in any given year and underestimate what they can achieve in the long term...